Nick Cave’s “Red Right Hand,” Reimagined as a Dr. Seuss Book

Image credit: DrFaustusAU

Image credit: DrFaustusAU

There are very few bands more rock and roll than Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Likewise, it doesn’t get much more kid-awesome than Dr. Suess. Mash them both together as Dr. FaustusAU has done, and you’ve got one amazingly creepy-fun rendition of Cave’s Red Right Hand.

Get to know Dr. FaustusAU.

See the video for Red Right Hand. Get to know Nick Cave.

A big thank you to Flavorwire for sharing!

Image credit: DrFaustusAU

Image credit: DrFaustusAU

Talk about redemption.

Ask 100 parents how they approach talking about bad things in the world, and you’ll get 100 different opinions. But this Mama thinks it’s important to discuss challenging subjects.  It’s important to talk about slavery. It’s important to discuss oppression and discrimination in age appropriate ways. One way to start that conversation is through music.

Tot Rocker: Redemption Song by Bob Marley (sleepy baby)

Rolling Stone places Redemption Song at #66 of the top 500 songs of all time, behind No woman, no cry at #37. (Incidently, Hotel California is at #49. Ruh- Roh.)

Redemption Song is credited to Bob Marley and Edwin Hawkins, but the iconic lines “emancipate yourself from mental slavery… none but ourselves can free our minds” are attributed to civil rights activist Marcus Garvey in 1937. There have been several covers of Redemption Song lately (you probably have to try really hard to make a bad version of this song), but my favorite cover is by Johnny Cash and Joe Strummer.

Other Tot Rockers by Bob Marley: I think this is a gimme. Like The Beatles, Bob Marley has so many very recognizable songs and so many of them  translate easily into a lullaby that potentially every child has heard Three little birds and No woman, no cry by kindergarten. But just in case they haven’t, there you go.

Similar Tot Rockers: Police and Thieves by Junior Murvin (sleepy baby), Black boys on mopeds by Sinead O’Connor (sleepy baby).

Stuff to think about: 

New Republic: Cities need to understand what riots over police brutality are saying. 

New York Times: To talk Baltimore with kids, focus on the positive.

Get to know Bob Marley

Hand over that Sleepy Baby

Sometimes this needs to happen. Sleepy Baby music can help.

Sometimes this needs to happen. Sleepy Baby music can help.

Sometimes kids (and their adults) need to chill out. You know those times, everyone is just a little bit crispy, and you can tell somebody’s about to lose it. Sleepy baby music isn’t just for lullaby’s, it’s best used when the room needs to chill. It’s too early? Try Sleepy Baby. Need some quiet time in the car? Try sleepy baby. Hangry? Yep, sleepy baby.

Despite it’s many special powers, Sleepy Baby music has been underrepresented on Tot Rockin’ as of late. That’s mainly because as my babes have gotten bigger and like to rock harder. Toddler’s usually prefer to have their music kicked up a notch, but what do they know?  To right this Sleepy Baby wrong, I’m sharing three great sleepy baby songs in one she-bang. Or shhhh-bang, as the case may be.

Last weekend, on our way to “the chicken wing party” aka Wing Fest, my kids fell asleep in the car. To wake them up, I turned on the sleepy baby playlist, to gently nudge them awake. When we arrived at our destination, Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show was about half way through. When I turned off the vehicle, TotBoy said, “Can we please listen to the rest of that song?” Yes. Yes we can.

Sleepy Baby #1: Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show

Sleepy Baby songs aren’t generally Molly Gene‘s main thing. But every artist needs a great torch song and this is hers. This traditional folk song has been covered by many, but this One Whoaman Band nails it.

Sleepy Baby #2: Dink’s Song by Molly Gene One Whoaman Band (Traditional) 

Many sleepy baby songs are about lost love, heartbreak, disappointment. This one is about adultery. Yep, that’s totally okay in the Tot Rock handbook.  The first and last 30 seconds of this video are fantastic.

Sleepy Baby #3: Me and Mrs. Jones by Billy Paul

It’s generally frowned on to give your children whiskey to settle them down, so Sleepy Baby music will have to do.

I went on down to New Orleans, and they all ask’d for you.

To celebrate my recent trip to New Orleans and getting to see George Porter Jr (bassist of The Meters) play live, I figure it’s high time to chronicle this great Tot Rocker. They all ask’d for you by The Meters: They all ask’d for you is light-hearted while still bringing the funk. A punster might say it’s putting the Fun in FUNK, but I’m not a punster.

It's not the Audubon Zoo, but it's the best we got.

It’s not the Audubon Zoo, but it’s the best we got.

Other Tot Rockers by The Meters: Just kissed my baby (awake baby), Hand clapping song (awake baby)

A bedtime ritual with MC5

The key to a successful bedtime is routine and calming activites. Reading, snuggling, a glass of milk, perhaps a lullaby. You know, stuff like this. Going against all that, TotRock Dad has taught the tots this new quirky routine at bedtime. When it’s time to put on pajamas, the kids yell:

Kick out the jams, Mother! I’m gonna kick ’em out!

This is followed by a dance fest, replete with jumping, head banging and air kicks, while listening to Kick out the Jams by MC5. 

Not exactly a lullaby, is it? I’m certain jamming out to MC5 is not a quiet time activity.  Nevertheless, the whole thing is terribly amusing to Mr. TotRock. He’s remarked, “this [new habit] makes me such a happy dad.” Don’t worry, this hasn’t totally ruined the sense of calm before bed. It’s been a long time since bedtime has been calming.

Know what also is also anything but calming? MC5. Robert Bixby described the 1960’s punk band as “a catastrophic force of nature the band was barely able to control.” Likewise, the post-show atmosphere was described by Don McLeese as “the delirious exhaustion experienced after ‘a street rumble or an orgy. (Thanks, Wikipedia!) The aftermath of a street rumble? Yeah, that sounds like my house at bedtime.

Okay. Write this down. If you are looking around for the next big thing, this is it. Ready? MC5 Kick out the paJAMaS. I did a cursory search on The Google and no one has done this yet. I’m telling you. Do it now before Etsy is flush with them. You’re welcome.

MC5 clothing line by OBEY. See? Kick Out The paJAMaS would totally work.